A report from Sandy Fillebrown: We passed inspection with flying colors – had all the right forms and the bikes and jerseys and vehicles all were as required. (Editor: I am guessing the bikes weren’t in this condition for the inspection…) All 4 riders will ride the few blocks from the pier down to the start of the bike path and then Ken Walker will ride the first leg. He and Greg will then swap back and forth for about the first 120 miles, through time station T2. Or at least that’s the current plan. The support vehicles can’t do anything for the first 21 miles, and then not much more for the next 15, so there’s some limitations to how we can do things at the beginning. The RV can’t join in the fun for about 80 miles.
Here is a picture from the prerace activities. Team Nor’easter is in white under the letters “ce” in Race…