SLOC: Day 1 Part 2 – Night Green

Per Forerunner, actual = 5.0 miles with 127 climb

Map – Night Green

Night-O – strong F50 field with Sandy and Erin Binder. Originally slated to start 2 minutes ahead of Sandy, and I just couldn’t bear the thought of her reeling me in within the first 2.5 minutes, so I asked for a start time change, probably the first time ever I did this.

Changed to 10 minutes later, and I managed to miss that by a few minutes. Got there and asked to be slotted in a free space, but the other Green runner right then was Greg L, who would out-class me, so we decided that I would start then. Up to the last line, punch the Start box, no beep, dropped a kissy bomb, so, back to the Clear/Check, and, back again to the start line, and, then, finally off.

Carefree to the first control which was very close and managed the third best split of the night. A few adventures after that, but nothing too terrible…won the gold, my second in my short night-o career. Totally amazing for someone who is afraid of the dark – big light, um, not big confidence, but some confidence, for sure.

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