Second, and last day in Napier, not that I spent much time in the Marineland Motel or Napier…but, the little I spent at the motel was very nice.
Today, the run/walk started from the motel in the opposite direction from yesterday, sometime after 6 AM. I didn’t sleep as well last night as I had the night before, so an earlier start was no problem. Seriously, I just looked at the map of my route. I really need to be a little more aware of where I am! I had no idea that I was so close to the Napier Airport until I viewed the route later.
Struggled a bit more today. Had to change the walk to longer. Moving time was 60 minutes, 4.2 miles, with lots of time for picture breaks.
Because, today, I remembered my camera. However, it would not power on…a bit into the “run” I decided to check it again and discovered that the battery wasn’t locked in, so I fixed that, and I was in business.
Some pictures of the bigger water (Hawke’s Bay/Port of Napier?), as well as some of the pretty little gardens along the way, which were mostly made from materials reclaimed from the beach.
And, then a twofer – a New Zealand Christmas Bush and a bathroom (those who know me well, know why this has been noted here).
And, the bathroom building from the front:
And, a final look at the fine view…
Jane picked me up a bit before 9, and we headed back to load up the trailer and head off to the first event.
Tim resting with a “V” – a horrible tasting equivalent of Red Bull. The monitor stand is on the right side of the trailer, the main piece behind the white tables, and the legs sticking out next to the table. Would fit in the O’Mobile easy.
Callum, Tim and Phillip:
Phillip: pleased that it is all coming together after many months/years of hard work?
After the trailer was loaded, we all hit the road. The estimated time of departure was 11 AM, and I would not have been shocked if we had departed a couple of hours later then that, based on how long it takes me to load up. Glad I didn’t place a bet…we were on the road just a minute or two after 11. First we drove into Hastings proper to purchase a color printer to replace the dead one on hand. After what seemed like forever, in this small business about the quarter of the smallest Best Buy, the employee found the requested item, and then Phillip and I were back on the road.
Route 2 South to Woodville, then over to Palmeston North, and then Fielding where the event center was. Hit the Subway on the way. Sorry, Roger. Picked up my packet and a southern hemisphere compass for NZ$95.
Then it was off to the meet site to set up for tomorrow. Setup included putting up the monitor stand and the antenna.
Off to the hotel in Fielding for one night after that.