Wednesday, 14 March
This is how my morning went:
8:45 Dropped Pepper off with Laura, Aaron, and Boomer
9:30 Stopped at Target to buy a suitcase
10:00 Home to pack – at this point, I had packed nothing for myself
10:30 Arranged online for a cab to pick us up at 11:30
11:00 All ready – who needs a gazillion hours to pack anyway?!
11:30 No RedTop Cab, try to check on status but option is missing online and via phone
11:33 Go back online and arrange for another taxi ASAP
11:38 Taxi arrives – whew!, though not to worried because flight is delayed
Maybe 60 minutes late, we eventually get on plane to Toronto – Economy Plus – more than adequate for such a short flight.
Arrive in Toronto. Roger is flagging a bit, so I grabbed his carry-on and jacket and we headed towards customs.
Once through customs, he asked where his jacket was, which had his credit cards and IDs, though not his passport, thankfully… Ah, crap, I dropped it somewhere. I ask airport staff how to go back for it, and they let me reverse myself, through customs, back towards the gate, but I do not see it. Pretty sure that this is grounds for divorce. Not the best way to start a two week vacation…
I checked around, and many Air Canada people were very unhelpful, but back at the customs area, an airport employee was able to confirm that someone had found the jacket and turned it in. But, they wanted to know why I am on this side of the customs area, if I had already gone through customs. Um, they told me I could go back and check.
After getting escorted to the Lost & Found area, by a very wonderful airport employee, the jacket was brought out and then checked for bomb residue. Whew, a harrowing 20 minutes later, I was in possession of it again, and the grounds for divorce had been alleviated, once again. On to the Toronto to Rome flight!!