Snow Day

A nice Sunday snowfall. It was supposed to start early yesterday but didn’t roll in until about 5 PM. Tried to get a good picture of a cardinal, but it isn’t close enough. I will have to investigate telephoto lenses again…

Brownie and Roger

rog_brownieRoger is holding Brownie (we are not real original with what we name our piggies) , AKA the Browner or the Million Dollar Pig (she had expensive surgery about 5 years ago to remove a tumor….). She is our alpha pig and is getting pretty old – she stopped eating a couple of days ago, and we are feeding her by hand for now.

Roger’s thrilling day!

Roger and I had a rare weekend day together, and we spent it doing an exciting round of errands. We started out so early that we made it to the wine store before it was even open. Next was the feed store for pig bedding. And then finally, lunch in Vienna . Ummm, I guess you could say that I wore him done by lunchtime. There was no objection when I went off to an orienteering event the next day.