SLOC: Day 1 Part 2 – Night Green

Per Forerunner, actual = 5.0 miles with 127 climb

Map – Night Green

Night-O – strong F50 field with Sandy and Erin Binder. Originally slated to start 2 minutes ahead of Sandy, and I just couldn’t bear the thought of her reeling me in within the first 2.5 minutes, so I asked for a start time change, probably the first time ever I did this.

Changed to 10 minutes later, and I managed to miss that by a few minutes. Got there and asked to be slotted in a free space, but the other Green runner right then was Greg L, who would out-class me, so we decided that I would start then. Up to the last line, punch the Start box, no beep, dropped a kissy bomb, so, back to the Clear/Check, and, back again to the start line, and, then, finally off.

Carefree to the first control which was very close and managed the third best split of the night. A few adventures after that, but nothing too terrible…won the gold, my second in my short night-o career. Totally amazing for someone who is afraid of the dark – big light, um, not big confidence, but some confidence, for sure.

SLOC: Day 1 Part 1 – Sprint Green

1.25 miles w/ 27 m climb

Map – Sprint Green

I got on the plane thinking that I wasn’t going to be much good to the QOC relay team effort, and that I was thankful that there were five of us (Nadim, Ted, Greg, Kathleen, and me) with options for either a 12 or 8 point team.

However, Ted came limping up claiming some soccer injury from the night before, so it looked like I would need to figure out pretty quickly if I could run or not.

So, off to Sprint, and not just at a trot. Pushed as hard as I could, catching an 11 year old kid, who had started two minutes ahead of me, for a moral victory. Also beat Sharon, I think for the first time ever, though maybe there was another “victory” over this legend who is 14 years older than me in the last couple of years.

Orienteering at Lake Needwood

Lots of silly things factored into this not being a very good day for me.  I should have stuck with the original plan which was, when I got to the park, I was supposed to go right out.  But, instead, I inserted myself where I wasn’t needed and didn’t allow myself much time to get back to relieve Heidi (not that she would have cared, but I cared).

Then, I got to the top of the hill to the first control, having followed the Green runner ahead of me, and stood there looking around stupidly –  25/26 to the first control.

Between 1 & 2, I feel hard and whacked my right knee.  It hurt only for a moment, but it is very painful now 7 hours later.

Took some poor route choices for the rest of the controls, and when I got to the road, after starting to 12, I decided that I didn’t want to play anymore and headed back.

Felt really cranky the rest of the day, and was happy to take it out on a person who was 1.25 hours late, and is chronically late.  Said she didn’t head back sooner because she still saw checkpoints out in the woods, so she figured she might as well continue.

Between woe is me, and this person, I was a little bitchy.  Tomorrow is another day.

Buffalo – Day 3/Race 3


Had McD’s for breakfast today since I needed some protein.

Another early start. Had the woods to myself for the first 30 minutes or so. Lots of people using the park roads and trails though. Very impressive.

S-1 One of those controls to get you started in the right direction. A little confused why I was on a “trail”, but it turns out there is a ride line under the line from S-1. Didn’t let it bother me and get safely to the field and the control. Trying to take safe routes was my theme for the day.

1-2 Stupid move, unsafe route – literally – slide down the steep bank and only see the bridge crossing as I am coming up the other side. Road, to stream bed, to control.

2-3 Out to the trail and then back under the fence, up the stream bed to the control.

3-4 On compass, counting things off and recognizing that I was a little below the control.

4-5 Safe way around on trails and a lovely ride through the pines.

6-7 Most of my lost time for the day was here. Took a less steep route down and then up the other side to the road. Road, then into the woods, and failure. I knew I wasn’t sure where I had hit the stream and where the off shot was – right or left, and I guessed wrong. Some wandering until I convinced myself to get to the road and start over. Second time in was a charm.

7-8 Proud of my compass work here.

8-9 Should have save the pat on the back for later. Doubted where I was when I got to the top of the hill, on my hands and knees mostly. Went right, and then had to come back. Visited the HUGE rootstock to the west of the control on the way in. I wished I had my camera since it may have been the biggest one I have seen personally, besides those giant trees.

9-10 Lucked out on this one since I was super distracted by a giant horsefly which was buzzing me and biting me. I still have large welt on my arm to prove it. I was swatting and swearing and trying to keep moving and paying attention. It is a little hard to keep track of things with your hands flailing around your head and body, so, I was thankful that I recognized what spur I had come down by the three little hills to the west. My horsefly buddy gave up around here when I started swinging sticks around. I wasn’t entirely confident when I climbed the hill where I hoped the control was, and it was only visible when I was in the circle. Whew!

10-11 Executed perfectly. Well deserved self-congratulations. I was unaware that Stina had punched in a minute or so before me at 10, but I punched in here just before he at 11. Of course, she started 30 minutes behind me, but it was a small victory of sorts. Saw Meg approaching as I was leaving here. She had started 38 minutes behind me.

11-12 Out to road by shortest route, trail, then into the area, where I bumbled around slightly before finding it.

12-13 A little off, but punched in just ahead of Meg.

13-14 Wish I had paid closer attention to where Meg went in here, since I was on the wrong side of the spur/hill thingee. Oops.

14-15 Didn’t quite get the indistinct trail as I had planned, but no real harm done.

15-16 Uneventful. A huge THANK YOU to the many BFLO volunteers who were monitoring the roads and off-ramp with their colorful shirts and signs.

16-17-F Some guy with a big video camera was filming, so I told myself to suck it in, suck it up, smile, and pushed as hard as I could into the control and into the finish. Liked the last few controls which were spring like and spectator friendly.

I gave it everything I had in the tank today, and I was pleased with this effort. Hamstring didn’t twinge even once. Go figure. Maybe the five solid rest days was good for it.

Dripping wet afterwards. Glad the the sun stayed mostly tucked behind the clouds. Glasses flogging was only an issue once early on.

I am a Golden Troll

2011 Golden Troll Award recipient

Valerie Meyer (QOC)

For years Valerie has selflessly donated her time to clubs other than her own, to the point where she has become a fixture behind the computer at local and national meets across the country. She has put in countless hours learning the epunch software, adding her own equipment and modifications, and getting her system down to a fine art. She never seems to turn down a request to handle epunch for another club’s A-meet. It is invaluable to a small club to be able to turn the finish and results duties over to someone who handles them with such thoroughness and professionalism.

Buffalo – Day 2/Race 2


Second race of the day. Goal was to be under 10 minutes per k, and being under 20 minutes was a nice bonus.

Traded off my start time to someone who needed to start earlier. Realized about 40 minutes before my new start time that I hadn’t eaten anything since a 6 AM breakfast and a banana after the Middle, and I was starving. Ate some yummy homemade cookies and maybe another banana. Drank water to supplement all of the diet coke, and then hoped I was not going to hurl while on the course.

Changed into my “cute” sprint outfit, and I was off at 3:15 PM. Sadly, I don’t think there are any pictures. 😉

Paid attention to the way the others on my course were going and saw the first control.

Pushed hard out of the start just waiting for the guy who started 1 minute behind me to track me down pretty quickly, but it was PG making up the 2 minute stagger going into 5 just ahead of me as I fumbled it a tiny bit.

The next four controls were uneventful. Sadly, I gave up about 10-12 places overall fumbling around the wrong playground for 10. I knew it didn’t make sense, but I couldn’t make sense of it. Finally sorted myself out and headed around the rest of the course.

Pushed as hard as I could and was short of breath at end, enough so that I had to sit and collect myself, which doesn’t usually happen. Thanks to Greg L for the water.

Super fun course. Hamstring still not painful.

Buffalo – Day 2/Race 1


With “ants-in-my-pants”, I took a pre-start. A no-brainer since I was up since 3-4 AM, ate at 6 AM, ready to go at 7 AM.

S-1 A little confused when I hit the first little bridge at the halfway to the control. It seemed like I had run pretty far, but the trail wasn’t curving north, and then I saw that the line was crossing blue, so I sorted myself out pretty quickly and continued on to the control.

1-2 Went further on the trail then I realized, so visited another control, the trail, the same incorrect control, then over to mine.

2-3 Found a safe way down and followed the stream to the creek to the control. A controlled rode down on my butt for the first of many times this weekend.

3-4 Up the stream bed to the nose of the very steep spur, and climbed up as carefully as I could using lots of trees and tree roots to grab onto to be safe. Got off of the trail too soon thinking I would miss it otherwise, but it was visible from the trail.

4-5 Picking off trails and streams as I went and was one of the few people I spoke to who noticed the straight line trail. Momentarily confused by the wet spot near the spot I went into the control thinking I was further back, and I didn’t really think I was on a trail. I talked myself out of going further down the trail, and went it, and there it was. Yeah!

6-7 Super nervous about getting into the out of bounds area, but also nervous about going too far out of the way. Paid super close attention to my compass, and there was the control.

7-8 The big error of the day. Got the trail at the junction, said hello to a hiker, and immediately turned right and visited another control. Not mine, went downhill some more, almost to the stream, back to the wrong control, now think I know where I am, convince myself to find the trail, find the trail, then the control. Felt like a big dummy here.

8-9 Thought I was going over the top, but hit the trail and recovered easily.

9-10 Trail to signs where mountain bikers were stopped. Saw 4-6 bikers between 8 and 10. Down the hill on foot and on butt, thought I was going to end up closer to the control, but hit the field instead and sorted myself out.

10-11 Visited all kinds of crappy stuff getting out of the stream bed. Should have stayed in the woods more. No problem otherwise.

11-14 Suck it up and get it done without making any silly errors at the end. Getting through field from 13-14 sucked. Probably much easier later on.

14-F Loved the long, grassy, unlumpy, downhill finish. Flew down it hoping I wasn’t going to hurt myself. I didn’t.

Really enjoyed this course. Hamstring didn’t hurt at all, perhaps thanks to four advil.

Buffalo – Day 1

Off to Buffalo. Plane an hour late, but I can live with that.

Picked up my rental car – a Jeep. Didn’t notice the model until Greg pointed it out. Go figure.

Stayed near Springville, NY. Visited the local sites (Tops, Taco Bell, and Super WalM*rt) before checking into the hotel. Only hotel with many miles, so it had to do, and it was just fine. Right next door, fine dining.

Then off to Lime Lake for dinner and a shake out session with the BFLO epunch person, Doug, and the Long course setter, Jackie.

Good company and scenic lakeside dining. Oops, no picture.

Syracuse – Day 2/Race 2 (but only this one “counted”)


A new day, a new beginning. Go for the gold! Yesterday was a long model event. Apply what I learned.

I was pretty sure that today would see a whole range of emotions for me and others, but I never imagined it could turn out like this.

With an earlier start to the day, I decided to skip carrying water to lightened my load, use my new compass, put bug spray on my head, and try for safe routes. With Sandy starting 18 minutes behind me, my goal was to lose to her by less then 18 minutes. However, with Kris starting just 2 minutes behind me, I was feeling that pressure instead. Can I get to the first control before she does?

S-1 A little confused by the trail the start and then the overgrown field, but I figured it out pretty quickly. Made it before Kris. Whew! 🙂
1-2 Afraid of this leg, so I took it slowly and hoped to find the property line signs, and I did. Yeah!
2-3 On compass. Nail it. Go figure.
3-4 About 2 minutes lost. Long, convoluted way around, but I wanted to play it safe. Messed up a bit just near the end after being confused by the dry swamps.
4-5-6 Well done (for me) using the stone walls, boundary line and compass. This compass thing being my friend is nice.
6-7 Safe, out of the way route.
7-8 Right to it.
8-9 About 7 minutes lost. Probably the only control I wished I had taken the option I considered first – from the stream below the control. I attacked it from the other side instead. Just before the control, I did a full face plant, smashing my glasses into my face and drawing blood. I thought I had a bloody nose, and then decided it was a cut chin. It didn’t seem too bad, so I kept going…right by the control…twice. Literally, right by the control, probably within 5 feet each time. Circled around again, figured I had been looking incorrectly down the reentrant instead of up into the shallow part, and the third time by I found it. Agh!@#$ The only control that I was really ticked off about all weekend. I will chalk it up to being shook up from the fall and the blood collecting on my shirt.
9-10 About 2 minutes lost. Wow, what a difficult trip down the hill through the ferns and crap.
10-11 With the hamstring pain, this usually fun, easy leg type of leg couldn’t have been less fun.
11-F Gathered myself and tried to beat what I imagined Mary’s time to be. Close, but officially 1 second slower, and probably should be 2-3 since the finish control Mary tried to punch first was missing.

Very pleased with who I got myself around this course. And, I beat the 18 minute spread to Sandy, who finished 2nd behind Peggy.

And, I guess there was enough blood to warrant a check by the first aid gut – Sam? Tom? Heck, I asked his name twice this weekend, but it still escapes me… The cut was on my cheek, not my chin, and it was tiny. But, I got some attention with the pretty purple bandage.

As I suspected, today was kind of weird. Excited that I did well, and thus I finished 3rd in my class, supplanting Kathleen from a medal. That made me feel kind of unworthy, since I wasn’t really affected too much by the misplaced control yesterday.

Sadly, adding to the awkward results ceremony was the fact that the Red course was voided today since two controls were not out there. They had been picked up yesterday, and a lack of event day existence check didn’t bring the error to light. Sad for all of the Red, Brown, Green X runners, as well as for the organizers who put so much effort into the event.

Oh, and Sandy won the bet, since I ended up helping in the results tent for a while, despite both Mary and Sandy’s best efforts to lure me away with food, and the fact that I was losing… However, I figure I didn’t lose, because there was nothing on the line, well, except maybe my pride. But, I did interact with more people outside of the results tent during 1.5 day of an A-meet then I probably have at the last 5 A-meets combines. So, I am a winner too!! 🙂

Syracuse – Day 1/Race 1 (kind of)


Not too confident going into this event. Hamstring injury, which I probably suffered in mid-June at work, has really hampered any serious training. Adding to this was my 2008 experience in similar terrain. Decided that this weekend would be all about relaxing, having a good time and actively socializing (i.e., not hanging out at the epunch/results table all weekend just because I don’t do well with idle time).

Sandy was pretty sure that I couldn’t follow that plan (the part about not hanging at the results tent), so we had a bet. I even asked a handful of people to pull me away out of the results tent, if I was just hanging out there. I could offer assistance in an emergency only.

Well, this bet actually was key in getting me to the first control today.

S-1 About 6 minutes lost, most of it in slogging through swamps I should have/could have avoided. I was so frustrated since it felt like I was just stuck and lost. I was discouraged to know that Sandy was starting just six minutes behind me, and that I wouldn’t make it to even the first control before she did. I wanted to quit and figured I would just go back and hang at the results, but I remembered the bet and got out of the swamp and to the control. I came into the control from my direction just as Sandy was punching. Bummer, but I actually managed to put it out of my mind.
1-2-3-4 Happy with this sequence of controls. Used the the stone walls well and took conservative routes. Never thought about
4-5 About 25 minutes lost after I lost my mind. I headed 90 degrees in the left direction, scaring Kathleen who was on her way to 3 since she thought I was bailing and maybe hurt. Nope, just stupid. I even puzzled out that she must be heading to 3 and where that meant I must be, but it didn’t actually sort me out. So, I fumbled and bumbled around, tried to convince myself to find the big water, and just couldn’t get there. Finally did and then the control.
5-6 About 8 minutes lost. After finding the control I took a couple of falls, soft landings in mossy areas, but my legs cramped each time. Second time I was on my back spread eagle, and I was offered assistance to get up from a nice, young man. I demurred and managed to get upright on my own. Brain fart after I got between the lakes to the trail. Sorted myself out with less time lost then the last control.
6-7-8 Safe route and and accurate compass work.
8-9 About 6 minutes lost. Right to the area, or close enough, but it wasn’t a good sign to see Francis, Gail, and Patti (sp?) among others looking for the control. Finally found it before those three, and I tried to indicate as much. Francis and Patti got it, but Gail took a bit longer.
9-10 Happy to see buildings, tents, etc. to get me headed in the correct direction to the Go control.

Very happy to find all of the controls, and literally every one myself. I led a few people in, but I did not see anyone going to any of my controls. I did feel badly for those people who may have thought my orange shirt was a control and headed my way during my wanderings.

The deer flies were often around my head, especially on the scalp where my hair was parted. I was afraid to spray my head with bug spray because of my asthma and how inhalants affect my throat. I was even carrying some with me, and I should have used it, but I didn’t. Just kept picking them off of my scalp. Ugh!

Heat was an issue near the end, but then I had hoped I wouldn’t be spending 2.5 hours out on the course, though I wasn’t surprised. Glad I had my water and a GU.

It was easy to keep to the no work plan since we needed to take a bus back to the parking from the finish, and I really needed a cold one (diet coke). Also, there was a feast back at the parking hosted by Erin and Mary. Lots of nice conversation, and a great way to enjoy time with others at a meet.

The Green X and Brown courses were voided because of the misplaced control. So, tomorrow will be for all of the marbles.

Since I had already made most of my errors before this control, I was the beneficiary of this decision. I am no longer in 9th place. I am tied for 1st again. Tomorrow is a new day, a new beginning. I could do worse tomorrow, or I could learn from today…