Had McD’s for breakfast today since I needed some protein.
Another early start. Had the woods to myself for the first 30 minutes or so. Lots of people using the park roads and trails though. Very impressive.
S-1 One of those controls to get you started in the right direction. A little confused why I was on a “trail”, but it turns out there is a ride line under the line from S-1. Didn’t let it bother me and get safely to the field and the control. Trying to take safe routes was my theme for the day.
1-2 Stupid move, unsafe route – literally – slide down the steep bank and only see the bridge crossing as I am coming up the other side. Road, to stream bed, to control.
2-3 Out to the trail and then back under the fence, up the stream bed to the control.
3-4 On compass, counting things off and recognizing that I was a little below the control.
4-5 Safe way around on trails and a lovely ride through the pines.
6-7 Most of my lost time for the day was here. Took a less steep route down and then up the other side to the road. Road, then into the woods, and failure. I knew I wasn’t sure where I had hit the stream and where the off shot was – right or left, and I guessed wrong. Some wandering until I convinced myself to get to the road and start over. Second time in was a charm.
7-8 Proud of my compass work here.
8-9 Should have save the pat on the back for later. Doubted where I was when I got to the top of the hill, on my hands and knees mostly. Went right, and then had to come back. Visited the HUGE rootstock to the west of the control on the way in. I wished I had my camera since it may have been the biggest one I have seen personally, besides those giant trees.
9-10 Lucked out on this one since I was super distracted by a giant horsefly which was buzzing me and biting me. I still have large welt on my arm to prove it. I was swatting and swearing and trying to keep moving and paying attention. It is a little hard to keep track of things with your hands flailing around your head and body, so, I was thankful that I recognized what spur I had come down by the three little hills to the west. My horsefly buddy gave up around here when I started swinging sticks around. I wasn’t entirely confident when I climbed the hill where I hoped the control was, and it was only visible when I was in the circle. Whew!
10-11 Executed perfectly. Well deserved self-congratulations. I was unaware that Stina had punched in a minute or so before me at 10, but I punched in here just before he at 11. Of course, she started 30 minutes behind me, but it was a small victory of sorts. Saw Meg approaching as I was leaving here. She had started 38 minutes behind me.
11-12 Out to road by shortest route, trail, then into the area, where I bumbled around slightly before finding it.
12-13 A little off, but punched in just ahead of Meg.
13-14 Wish I had paid closer attention to where Meg went in here, since I was on the wrong side of the spur/hill thingee. Oops.
14-15 Didn’t quite get the indistinct trail as I had planned, but no real harm done.
15-16 Uneventful. A huge THANK YOU to the many BFLO volunteers who were monitoring the roads and off-ramp with their colorful shirts and signs.
16-17-F Some guy with a big video camera was filming, so I told myself to suck it in, suck it up, smile, and pushed as hard as I could into the control and into the finish. Liked the last few controls which were spring like and spectator friendly.
I gave it everything I had in the tank today, and I was pleased with this effort. Hamstring didn’t twinge even once. Go figure. Maybe the five solid rest days was good for it.
Dripping wet afterwards. Glad the the sun stayed mostly tucked behind the clouds. Glasses flogging was only an issue once early on.