More Flowers

hibiscus pink4sunflower1This pink hibiscus is the color I was hoping for when I bought the new plant last year.
The sunflowers didn’t do as well this year as in previous years. But the gold finches are enjoying the ones which have matured.

Bees, Bees, Bees!!

For some reason, I have been determined to get a good bee picture. With my old camera, the picture was a bit fuzzy when I got too close. I took a really great one the other day with the new camera, but I hadn’t opened up the aperture enough and the picture was too dark. So, I tried again, but the bees kept flying off. Well, except for the dead one which was just hanging there – not too interesting really. So, this is my latest attempt. I am happy with this one and can now go on to other things now – hmmm, maybe more ants – the perfect ant!


squashRoger wanted to know if any of his squash plants had produced yet. Well, the only one with a flower is this one which was growing in the middle of the lawn. I dutifully moved it before mowing today…