Syracuse – Day 1/Race 1 (kind of)


Not too confident going into this event. Hamstring injury, which I probably suffered in mid-June at work, has really hampered any serious training. Adding to this was my 2008 experience in similar terrain. Decided that this weekend would be all about relaxing, having a good time and actively socializing (i.e., not hanging out at the epunch/results table all weekend just because I don’t do well with idle time).

Sandy was pretty sure that I couldn’t follow that plan (the part about not hanging at the results tent), so we had a bet. I even asked a handful of people to pull me away out of the results tent, if I was just hanging out there. I could offer assistance in an emergency only.

Well, this bet actually was key in getting me to the first control today.

S-1 About 6 minutes lost, most of it in slogging through swamps I should have/could have avoided. I was so frustrated since it felt like I was just stuck and lost. I was discouraged to know that Sandy was starting just six minutes behind me, and that I wouldn’t make it to even the first control before she did. I wanted to quit and figured I would just go back and hang at the results, but I remembered the bet and got out of the swamp and to the control. I came into the control from my direction just as Sandy was punching. Bummer, but I actually managed to put it out of my mind.
1-2-3-4 Happy with this sequence of controls. Used the the stone walls well and took conservative routes. Never thought about
4-5 About 25 minutes lost after I lost my mind. I headed 90 degrees in the left direction, scaring Kathleen who was on her way to 3 since she thought I was bailing and maybe hurt. Nope, just stupid. I even puzzled out that she must be heading to 3 and where that meant I must be, but it didn’t actually sort me out. So, I fumbled and bumbled around, tried to convince myself to find the big water, and just couldn’t get there. Finally did and then the control.
5-6 About 8 minutes lost. After finding the control I took a couple of falls, soft landings in mossy areas, but my legs cramped each time. Second time I was on my back spread eagle, and I was offered assistance to get up from a nice, young man. I demurred and managed to get upright on my own. Brain fart after I got between the lakes to the trail. Sorted myself out with less time lost then the last control.
6-7-8 Safe route and and accurate compass work.
8-9 About 6 minutes lost. Right to the area, or close enough, but it wasn’t a good sign to see Francis, Gail, and Patti (sp?) among others looking for the control. Finally found it before those three, and I tried to indicate as much. Francis and Patti got it, but Gail took a bit longer.
9-10 Happy to see buildings, tents, etc. to get me headed in the correct direction to the Go control.

Very happy to find all of the controls, and literally every one myself. I led a few people in, but I did not see anyone going to any of my controls. I did feel badly for those people who may have thought my orange shirt was a control and headed my way during my wanderings.

The deer flies were often around my head, especially on the scalp where my hair was parted. I was afraid to spray my head with bug spray because of my asthma and how inhalants affect my throat. I was even carrying some with me, and I should have used it, but I didn’t. Just kept picking them off of my scalp. Ugh!

Heat was an issue near the end, but then I had hoped I wouldn’t be spending 2.5 hours out on the course, though I wasn’t surprised. Glad I had my water and a GU.

It was easy to keep to the no work plan since we needed to take a bus back to the parking from the finish, and I really needed a cold one (diet coke). Also, there was a feast back at the parking hosted by Erin and Mary. Lots of nice conversation, and a great way to enjoy time with others at a meet.

The Green X and Brown courses were voided because of the misplaced control. So, tomorrow will be for all of the marbles.

Since I had already made most of my errors before this control, I was the beneficiary of this decision. I am no longer in 9th place. I am tied for 1st again. Tomorrow is a new day, a new beginning. I could do worse tomorrow, or I could learn from today…

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