Sandy invited me to join her for a tromp around Fair Hill while she hung streamers for the Mid-Atlantic Champs event in November since I won’t be able to attend the event.
And though I really didn’t want to make a two hour drive each way, the lure of a beautiful day in the woods, with a good friend, overcame the desire to snuggle back under the covers when the alarm hollered up the stairs.
It was a very interesting day. It turned out that there was a huge horse and dog event going on, so we met at a different parking lot, not that I navigated correctly to the initial meeting place. After deciding that I had to be back on the road by 2 PM, we got going from a further lot, and started visiting control locations. After only getting two sorted out in the first 45 minutes, I didn’t think we would get even halfway through the map. But, despite the fact that we didn’t run even one step, we made progress and ended up getting to most of the controls.
We even stopped for about 10 minutes to admire the horses running a steeple chase event across our desired route choice. It was an great day, and well worth the drive, especially since traffic was minimal save for a 5 minute slow down on the way home.
Sandy considers a location for a control…
…while I admired the fall foliage.
We found a big rootstock, but it wasn’t as big as the one last weekend, and…
…a cool looking ruin.