Ken calls in/TN is smokin’!

Report is from 5:50 EDT: My home phone rings, and it is Ken. He sounded good. Turns out that he has left me a long “interview” on my work phone which I will transcribe tomorrow when I go to “work”… Ken talked briefly and passed me on to Lex.

The foursome of Lex, Sandy, Ken, and the RV have left the hospital near Salton Sea at around noon California time. They are heading to Cortez, Colorado to try to meet up with the rest of Team Nor’easter. Right now they are passing through Gila Bend, Arizona (southwest of Phoenix). Mapquest estimates that this is about a 9 hour drive, and with the team putting up some excellent times into CP #12, and due into CP #13 anytime now, it is going to be difficult to catch up with them before CP #16, Pagosa Springs, Colorado.Stayed tuned for progress on the race withing the race.

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